Sunday, September 21, 2008

Types of BlogTraffic

Ever wonder where does traffic arriving at your blog came from ? Well, there are essentially four kind of traffics, namely, traffic that you buy, traffic that your borrow, traffic that you exchange for and traffic that you created. nuffnang_bid = "16de7c60b287c7cacae8e0512746c97a";1. Traffic You Pay...
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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Get Free Traffic With Long Tail Keywords

Another effective method of gaining free traffic is by using long-tail keywords in your blog title and blog contents.Long tail keywords are, as the name suggests, usually phrases of several words. It is a term originally coined by Chris Anders of The Long Tail. One of the great things about them is...
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Friday, September 19, 2008

How to Improve You Blog Keyword Rankings

Dominate Google Rankings Quick and Easy!By Michael Small (c) 2008Does dominating Google rankings quick and easy sound too good to be true? It really isn't. Following are a bunch of surefire SEO tips that have kept hundreds of my clients' sites on top of Google for years, with new ones every month.There's...
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

How To Get Free Traffic From Oggix Widget

Oggix is a free shoutbox/tagbox/message board that allows you to post comments on the websites or blogs that run the installed widget. Every widget then promotes the main site by adding a text link that says “By.”With a simple Google query of intext:”by.”, you can see that as of...
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Get Traffic From 911

Prepared For 911 TrafficSep 11, Sept 11, September 11, 911, 11/9, 9/11, 9 11 and ?11 are a bunch of alphanumeric characters and to some, it means a date to remember. Some may have painful and sad memory on that date.The most famous combination is of course 911 and by tomorrow, 911 will be perched at...
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