Sunday, September 14, 2008

How To Get Free Traffic From Oggix Widget

Oggix is a free shoutbox/tagbox/message board that allows you to post comments on the websites or blogs that run the installed widget. Every widget then promotes the main site by adding a text link that says “By.”

With a simple Google query of intext:”by.”, you can see that as of today there are 1,700,000 free links, with about 90% of them allowing you to post a comment with an anchor text link to your website in about 5 seconds. The best part is a lot of these are on the sidebars of free blogs, so your link will show up on EVERY single page dating back from years ago.

NOTE: The odd thing is that Oggix only listed 76,793 registered members !

Hundreds of bloggers are doing daily posting of their link in other bloggers's site. Why are they doing that ? To fish for traffic.

How To Fish Traffic From Oggix Shoutbox Widget

Execute the query (explained earlier on) and visit those blogs that installed Oggix shoutbox widget on their side bar. Next, make a short comment and enter your blog URL. Be polite with your comment. Don't spam or don't leave nonsense comment. That's it, you're done. Your comment and link will be visible in that blog until it is push down by newer comments.

Oggix Widget Is Not For Link Building

Oggix shoutbox script loads itself from an IFrame, so the links will not pass as much PageRank, but you can still use this technique to increase website traffic.

Previous, SEO experts would have advocating that leaving a link in Oggix widget will increase your blog link popularity. Contrary to that believe, it's no longer valid.

Oggix Widget To Advertise Your Blog

Leaving your link in the Oggix widget is still useful. Think of it as free advertise and on your lucky day, you probably get a lot of traffic from the sites that your have left your link.

* Jan 24, 2009: intext:"by." - Getting traffic from Oggix

Related posts:
* How To Build Massive Traffic Using ShoutMix, Cbox, Tagbox & Oggix